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In this 1-minute clip, Stanford researcher Andrew Huberman explains the classic 1976 motivation study, which challenged the orthodoxy of that era.

It revealed that conventional rewards and punishments might induce a short-term behavior, but do so at the cost of destroying intrinsic motivation.

The implications of this are profound...

“More self-determined functioning is associated with greater creativity, superior learning, better performance, enhanced well-being, and higher quality relationships.”
— Edward Deci & Richard Ryan (researchers)

While 100+ studies have replicated this effect decades ago, culture and institutions haven't gotten the memo yet.

For example...

Our Education System Is Still Based On Extrinsic Rewards

Our entire education system is based on:

  • Giving homework, grades, and tests

  • Which go on our transcript

  • Which determine what colleges and jobs we get

Ironically, we may be teaching kids at the cost of their desire to learn.

The research also matters because...

Becoming Great At An…

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Blockbuster Blueprint with Michael Simmons
Modern Thought Leader by Michael Simmons
Modern Thought Leader helps you become the recognized expert in your niche, make an impact, & build your business.