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Jordan Peterson Explains Why You Need To Embrace Your Creativity (Not Muzzle It) In Order To Succeed As An Idea Creator

This clip from Jordan Peterson deeply resonates. Here's the brutally honest reason why...

I spent years pursuing projects that weren't a good fit for me. It meant I spent years wondering why I was self-sabotaging.

Because, it took me 30 years to realize I'm a creative.

I didn't understand why I would get bored in businesses where I cracked the nut and all needed to do was rinse & repeat. When I forced myself to be practical, I would burnout.

At the same time, I didn't give myself permission to be creative, because it felt like an indulgence that wouldn't pay off.

Now, I know this.

I don't create because I choose to. I create because I have to. It's what makes me feel alive. It's what gives me the ability to easily do things that are hard for others. It's what gives me stamina. It's what allows me to spend 100 hours researching a topic for an article that might turn into a dead-end.

I love writing in-depth research articles because it allows me to deeply explore new worlds (and ultimately new parts of myself) every few months. It allows me to ride the wave of my curiosity and connect the dots in reverse.

I now see that what I thought was my greatest curse is actually my greatest superpower.

Source: Jordan Peterson

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