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Frontier Prompting Recording #1: Wisdom Of Crowds


Class Overview

In this first session of frontier prompting, we used the Wisdom Of Crowds mental model to create prompts that make AI’s answers smarter.

To help you quickly understand the mental model and use it to improve your prompting, I created the following article:

During the class, we:

  • Created prompts in real-time so participants could learn experientially

  • Explored a step-by-step approach to get the most from the mental model

  • Learned about "fractal questioning" to dive deep into complex topics

  • Learned how to create new mental models from scratch that you can name

  • Explored applications of AI in fields like solar energy and education

  • Learn techniques for mapping knowledge domains and extracting insights

  • Saw how AI can help create personalized learning experiences and exercises

  • Answered questions from participants

NEW: AI-Generated Podcast Summary Of The Class

Honestly, I’m completely blown away by how quickly AI is improving. I was able to create this for free in 5 minutes using Google’s NotebookLM. I recommend taking a few minutes to listen to it so you can judge the quality for yourself and get an overview of what we covered.


Paid Subscriber Perks

Free subscribers get access to the first 20 minutes of the 2-hour class.

Paid subscribers get access to:

  • The full two-hour class

  • All of the class resources

  • $2,000+ of other perks (courses, premium AI prompts, paid podcast, 50+ curated video lessons)

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Class Resources (Paid Subscribers)

  • In-Depth Class Summary

  • Presentation Slides

  • Resources Shared

  • AI Timestamps

  • AI Chapter Summaries

This post is for paid subscribers

Blockbuster Blueprint with Michael Simmons
Modern Thought Leader by Michael Simmons
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