LIVE @ 1PM EST TODAY: AI Second-Order Effects Mental Model
The topic of today’s AI masterclass, the third in the AI 100 series, is the Second-Order Effects mental model, which is one of my favorite mental models. Hands down.
As a reminder, today’s class is at 1:00-2:30pm EST today, Thursday, June 13.
This is going to be a big one!
How To Attend Live Or Get The Recording
Paid subscribers get access to the full recording and future live sessions ($500 value).
Free subscribers get access to the first 30 minutes of each recording on-demand.
The link to join today’s session is at the bottom of this post. Only paid subscribers will see the link.
Overview Of Second-Order Effects
Failing to consider second- and third-order consequences is the cause of a lot of painfully bad decisions... Never seize on the first available option, no matter how good it seems, before you’ve asked questions and explored.
—Legendary Investor Ray Dalio
Second-order effects is a mental model that helps you make better decisions. It is particularly helpful to use during transformative moments that will have a huge impact that ripples through every part of the world—government, education, business, culture, etc.
When we think of the future, we tend to think of obvious and immediate consequences. As a result, we tend to ignore the domino chain of effects.
In life, the more you consider second-order effects, the more successful you become...
When you see future challenges, you can avoid them.
When you see future opportunities first, you can capitalize on them first.
Second-order effects are often surprising.
Who would’ve thought that cars would eventually lead to hotel and restaurant chains?
While much of the future is unpredictable, a lot of it actually is predictable if you think through things rigorously. Having a better map of the future map can be the key to your success as an innovator, leader, or knowledge worker.
Agenda For Today’s Session
Overview of the Second-Order Effects mental model
Brainstorm and learn AI Second-Order Effects across domains:
Personal (relationships, chores, driving)
Economics (jobs)
Learn how to use ChatGPT to come up with better second-order effects