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Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi: Why People Don't Challenge Themselves

In this 2-minute clip, famous psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi makes a critical distinction that will help you learn faster.

It all boils down to this...

In different environments, we act differently.

In certain environments, we focus on short-term performance and winning.

In other environments, we naturally focus on learning and play.

When we feel safe, then we are more likely to take the risk of challenging ourself, not winning all of the time, and making mistakes in return for learning and improving our abilities over time.


One of the big decisions we can make in our life is choosing what environments and cultures we participate in.

If we want to make learning a key part of our life, we need to pick the right environments that support it.

And sometimes, that may mean choosing an environment with less financial compensation or prestige in the short-term, but more learning and growth opportunities in the long-term.

As I get older, I notice that I'm willing to make more and more tr…

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Blockbuster Blueprint with Michael Simmons
Modern Thought Leader by Michael Simmons
Modern Thought Leader helps you become the recognized expert in your niche, make an impact, & build your business.