
Harvard researcher Robert Kegan is the pioneer of adult development. After doing in-depth surveys with more than 10,000 adults, he found these 3 secrets to growing developmentally...

1. Humans Are Designed To Grow Developmentally Given The Right Conditions

Just as a seed is designed to turn into a tree or a child into an adult, how we make sense/meaning of reality is inherently designed to grow throughout all stages of life.

This may sound like a small belief, but it's powerful and fundamental. Once you let it sink in, it changes how you approach life. Rather than cursing or avoiding problems, we choose and embrace them. In so doing, we slowly develop a taste for the difficult moments of life like we develop a taste for the bitterness of black coffee with no sugar.

(see also Organismic Theory)

2. The Conditions For Growth Include The Following

  • Psychological safety in order to withstand the inevitable discomforts of growth

  • Problems that help people realize that their own limits

  • Problems that a…

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