Tony Robbins has been a top self-help guru for 30+ years. In this clip, he shares the #1 advice he gives to his students.
Your identity is your destiny.
Robbins says...
“Identity is the number one thing I work to change with people in order to expand their sense of who they really are and what they're capable of.”
Here's how to use your identity as a lever to change your life according to him...
Robbins’ Thermostat Model of Massive Transformation
Transformation works like a thermostat.
Identity is the setpoint.
When the temperature falls too far below our setpoint, we:
Hit bottom
Say 'never again'
Change our behavior
Until things return back to normal
When the temperature goes too far above our setpoint, we...
Get burned by the heat
Say 'ouch'
Make things easier
Until we're comfortable at our setpoint
Identity doesn't just change our behavior, it also alters what we attract and repel...
Identity Is An Attractor And Deflector
More specifically, if someone says something that doesn't match our identity set…