Personal Update: As a reminder, this is your last chance to register for my year-long flagship program on thought leadership that starts next Monday. If your goals and background are a good fit, then you and I will talk for 30 minutes this week so you can learn more about the program and we can mutually see if there is a fit.
Below are some testimonials from previous students and clients:
Michael's strategies helped us get articles published on Fortune, Business Insider, and Inc. We even had one article earn over $100,000 in revenue! Seminal works, and there is nothing like it on the market."
—Russ Ruffino, Clients On Demand
Massive, massive value… the program already paid for itself many times over! For example, I applied one of the program’s concepts to a client proposal, and secured a $1.6M contract as a result. I now know how to break things down in a way that others understand, value and share — which helps with my thought leadership as well as businesses."
—Wilson Mvula, Consultant
Over my career, I’ve sold over $100 million dollars in online courses to over one million paying students. I’ve written several books, and I know the best copywriters in the world. Michael is the smartest article writer I’ve ever met. He has mastered the unique art of creating free, high-quality educational content that is also high-converting. If you are a coach, consultant, or thought leader who wants hundreds or even thousands of leads from every article you write, there is no other program like this in the world.
—Eben Pagan, Mega Thought Leader
I've had dozens of articles placed in publications like Forbes, Inc., TIME, and Fortune. I've gone from having no online presence to having my average article be shared thousands of times.
—Jason Duff
Thanks again for all you've done for us. By far the best program I've ever taken.
— Anita Toth
The first article I published after using Michael's system was read over 150,000 times; that's 75x what my previous articles were averaging.
— Al Pittampalli
Before working with the Seminal team, I was writing articles for a top online publication. At the time, I was going for quantity over quality. Only a few hundred people read each article. After working with the Seminal team, I switched to quality over quantity. Now, my articles get tens of thousands of views. More importantly, the credibility and social proof from these articles helped me raise over $1 million dollars.
— Steve Mariotti, Founder, Network For Teaching Entrepreneurship
With Michael's support, we were able to write one of our most popular pieces to date. While our previous content netted an average of 3,000 views, our collaboration with Michael currently sits at nearly 50,000 views. Michael's system truly changed how we write and, as a result, how we connect with our readers. It's been one of our most valuable marketing investments to date!
—Patrick Ewers
Seminal is not only helping me write high-quality viral articles, it is also helping me package my training program. As a direct result of the program, I was able to land a $60,000 client, which also happens to be one of the largest banks in the world. They had many other proposals from big players in the market, and they specifically said they liked the "quick wins" and "trademark idea," which I learned in your program. The program has already paid for itself many times over!"
— Fernando Colosimo
You helped me cross the $100k/month mark consistently... Also our video got 500,000+ views and I used principles from Seminal!"
—Andrew Kirby
Right now, with the knowledge in your head, you are already a millionaire.
In other words, you’ve spent your whole life learning and figuring out things. Those things have improved your life. They have helped you:
Become healthier
Learn faster
Build friendships
Land jobs
Get raises
Start and grow a business
Graduate college
Become an expert
Throughout the world, there are millions of people who would pay to have that knowledge delivered to them, whether it be through coaching, consulting, a product, a course, a newsletter, whatever. Put differently:
Potential value of your knowledge =
(# of people it could benefit) x ($$$ they would pay for it)
You would be a “mental millionaire” if:
100,000 people paid $10
10,000 people paid $100
1,000 people paid $1,000
100 people paid $10,0000
So, in a very real way, you have a bank vault with millions of dollars in your head. You just need to find the right combinations to break into it.
More specifically, you need two combinations:
Combination #1 (Attention): Learning how to capture and keep people’s attention in order to provide them with so much value that they share your writing with other people is one skillset you need to unlock the vault.
Combination #2 (Money): But simply providing value to people is not enough to get them to value your content enough to pay for it. You also need to make a compelling offer. More specifically, you need to understand the equation that people unconsciously run through their head when they’re deciding whether to buy something or not.
This post is about the offer equation. To teach you, I’d like to introduce you to…
Alex Hormozi: The Offer King
Alex Hormozi is a 35-year-old serial entrepreneur who has figured out how to authentically make Grand Slam offers. Using that knowledge, he has built multiple businesses to tens of millions of dollars in revenue, and he’s now a full-time thought leader and investor at
He’s also the author of two books, which I highly recommend…

And he recently turned a historic webinar into an event with hundreds of thousands of live attendees…
Alex Hormozi’s The Value Equation
In his book, $100M Offers, Hormozi provides a simple and timeless equation for creating offers. The video below breaks down the equation…
Source: Alex Hormozi - This ONE Equation Will Make You RICH
To summarize, the value equation has four variables:
To maximize the value in the offers you create, you need to:
Increase the Dream Outcome (i.e., health, wealth, wisdom, happiness)
Increase the Perceived Likelihood of Achievement
Decrease the Time Delay to get first results and eventually achieve the dream
Decrease the Effort & Sacrifice required to get results
When done right, you get what Hormozi calls a Grand Slam offer:
Imagine clicking the purchase button on a weight loss product and instantly seeing your stomach turn into a six-pack. Or imagine hiring a marketing firm, and as soon as you sign your document, your phone begins ringing with new highly qualified prospects. How valuable would these products/services be? Infinitely valuable. And that’s the point.
The Grand Slam Offer only becomes valuable once the prospect perceives the increase in likelihood of achievement, perceives the decrease in time delay, and perceives the decrease in effort and sacrifice.
Hormozi further explains the equation in the video and his book.
In the following sections, I break down each part of the equation and then show you how to apply it as a thought leader…