Apr 4Liked by Michael Simmons 🪵🔥 ⛺

This post reminds me of a conceptualization for GPT I thought about a while back.

Building a GPT that can over time predict all the many ways someone can think of a math problem, such that if they don't get the accurate answer, the GPT can then take them through a process of highlighting and understanding the logic flows!

This article Michael is very exciting! Seeing AI as a learning partner is significantly crazy!

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I really like this idea.

It reminds me of a GPT I created for myself that gives me new perspectives when I'm getting overwhelmed by and resisting it. The GPT asks me to describe the problem. Then, it gives me multiple perspectives to see how the "problem" actually has many advantages. The goal is to feel grateful and happy things happened the way they did.

So, I love the idea of having this with more intellectual problem-solving and providing lots of new perspectives.

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That's a very good use case! How to see a problem diffrently!

That is really leveraging the ability of AI to come up with alternatives, while at the same time widening our point of view.

As I write to you I can't help but think of Training a GPT for Creative Thinking and Innovation.

I have been reading the works of Edward De Bono and for sure this is somethin that can really leverage the power of AI to generate and also even help people become creative given the gap in the world...

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Feb 28Liked by Michael Simmons 🪵🔥 ⛺

6 Mindsets 0f Thought Leadership & 6-Step Blockbuster Blueprint


This comment relat3es to your post last week on Fractal Reading.

Below are 2 design sequences.

You saw the first in November illustrating the 6 Mindsets of Thought Leadership and the 6-Step Blockbuster Blueprint. There are some constructive edits for clarification.


The second link illustrates the details the 6-Step Blockbuster Blueprint.



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Feb 28Liked by Michael Simmons 🪵🔥 ⛺

Hey Michael,

I've been taking your active learning principal about AI to heart. I started an AI User Group in my hometown devoted to learning to use AI in your everyday life. Our first face-to-face meeting was a week ago.

At that meeting, I demoed how I've just started using Claude.AI as a thought partner. I included a final segment showing I queried Claude about the benefits of using AI as a thought partner.

Since then I've been revising my thought partner presentation deck so I can share it with the members who missed the meeting and update those who attended.

I dug deeper into my thought partner conversation with Claude, and then did the same with ChatGPT+. I ended up with two lists of over a dozen thought partner benefits each. I then had each of them combine the lists and sort them according to similar categories.

Next up is for me to compare the sorted list with your list of eight to see what I can learn.

You're right about generative AI as a thought partner being the perfect antidote to transmissionism. There’s a skill to the prompting, though. So I’m now thinking about how I can get Claude and ChatGPT to coach me on how to get better at it.

Thanks for your timely post!

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Wow! Love all of this Griff. Would love to see more about how you see the benefits when you publish or feel comfortable sharing.

Let me know how things evolve as you keep exploring.

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Michael, you listed "Coach you with encouragement and feedback" as one of the thought partner benefits. I didn't have coaching on my list, so I asked ChatGPT this question:

"I'm familiar with the many benefits of generative AI as a thought partner and a tutor. But I'm curious about its ability to function at the level of a coach or a mentor, which implies having a deeper understanding of the person, for example, their history, their strengths and weaknesses, their personality, their motivation, etc. Can you say more about this?"

It gave an excellent nuanced response, too lengthy to include here, but anyone is free to copy/paste that question to your favorite chatbot.

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I'm happy to share what I have learned thus far, Michael.

In the meantime, I have two questions about your list of 8 benefits:

1. Can you explain the difference between "Ask you questions" and "Quiz you"?

2. "Create and play games" is definitely a cool thing that generative AI can do. Is there more of a thought partner benefit to it beyond entertainment?

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I would say that asking questions is a large category of which quiz you fits into. Asking a question can have different intentions. Asking a question in a conversation is different than asking an assessment question and is different than asking a question designed to push you to recall an important concept you want to remember.


I see the possibility for games that are EDUTAINMENT—educating and entertaining.

For example, theoretically, ChatGPT could create a trivia game that helps you remember important concepts.

I haven't explored this category a lot, but I would love to. Below are some ideas of games you can play with ChatGPT that it recommended:

20 Questions: A classic game where I try to guess an object, place, or person you're thinking of by asking up to 20 yes-or-no questions.

Chess: Players challenge me to a game of chess, asking for moves and strategies, leveraging my ability to calculate and suggest optimal plays.

Trivia Quizzes: Users test my knowledge across various topics, from general knowledge and science to history and pop culture, in a quiz format.

Storytelling/RPGs (Role-Playing Games): We collaboratively create stories or role-play scenarios, where I help develop plots, characters, and dialogues based on user prompts.

Pictionary (Guess the Drawing): Although I can't visually see drawings, users describe their drawings, and I guess what they represent, or I generate descriptions for users to draw.

Word Games (e.g., Scrabble, Word Association): Users play word association games, engage in Scrabble-like challenges, or ask for help in finding words with specific constraints.

Math Puzzles: Enthusiasts present mathematical riddles or puzzles for me to solve, ranging from basic arithmetic problems to complex equations.

Logic Puzzles: These include riddles, lateral thinking puzzles, and various brain teasers designed to challenge logical reasoning abilities.

Geography Games: Users test my knowledge of world geography through capital city quizzes, "name the country" games, or exploratory "travel" based on descriptions.

Simulated Conversations: People engage in role-play conversations where I simulate being a historical figure, celebrity, or fictional character, based on their request.

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Feb 28Liked by Michael Simmons 🪵🔥 ⛺

Thank you. That's really helpful.

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How to learn better is an insightful post. I have been influenced by authors Mortimer Adler and Charles van Duren through their classic text on “How to Read a Book.” In the link below is a presentation on the book. It concludes with a quote by Stephen King. "If you don't have time to read, you don't have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that”



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Apr 4Liked by Michael Simmons 🪵🔥 ⛺

Thank you so much John for publicly sharing the pdf above!

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